MSJ Final Steps to Graduate

Complete Forms and Survey

The final steps to complete your Master of Science in Journalism degree is to fill out and submit a series of forms. Fill out and submit these forms in the following order. 

  1. Title Page from your project: Fill out in hard copy. Put the name of your project on the page with the required language. Fill in the names of your committee members, their titles and the date the defense is approved. Give the filled-in form to your committee chair or to Jammie Johnson. Each of your committee members will sign this form. Electronic signatures are acceptable.
  2. Acceptance Page for your project: Fill out in hard copy. Put the name of your project on the page with the required language. Sign the form at the top where indicated. Fill in the names of your committee members, their titles and the date the defense was approved. Only your chair will sign this form, so you do not need to create lines for other signatures. Give the filled in form to your committee chair or give to Jammie Johnson. Only your committee chair will sign this form. 
  3. Abstract from your project: Fill out in hard copy. Give your abstract to Jammie Johnson.
  4. ETD Submission Form: Fill out this form and give to Jammie Johnson. 
  5. Graduate Program Graduation Survey: Fill out this form and give to Jammie Johnson.

*Turn in the forms described in 2 through 7 above at the same time, and in this order. The acceptance page should be the second page of the thesis and should be the first numbered page. Forms are due on the last day of finals each semester.

E-file your Thesis

Convert Your Thesis to PDF

PDF preserves the layout and formatting of your original document (including fonts, and special characters, like formulas) while allowing anyone with the free Adobe Reader software to access your content. PDF also makes it easier to maintain archived documents, helping ensure that those documents can continue to be read years from now, despite changes in software used to create them.

Publication Requirement: Instructions for Submitting your Thesis

Before qualifying for a master's degree, you must arrange for publication of your thesis through UMI Dissertation Publishing on or before the date specified by the Graduate School or the Office of Graduate Studies on the KUMC campus. All theses must be submitted electronically through the ProQuest/UMI website. Before logging in, you should know or have available:

  • The finished thesis in PDF form including the title and acceptance pages without signatures
  • Abstract of no more than 150 words. The abstract should explain the problem with which the thesis deals, the methods used in the investigations and the results obtained and conclusions reached.
  • Title of thesis
  • Year degree awarded
  • Year manuscript completed
  • Type of degree
  • Department
  • Name of adviser

Learn more about ETD formatting at the KU Graduate Studies website.