Our generous donors empower the next generation to strive for success and enable students to focus on the academics and organizations that will help them discover their talents and pursue their interests.
Why Give?
Donations made to the School of Journalism and Mass Communications put students first. Scholarship donations ease the financial burden many students face while donor-funded school renovations give students opportunities to work with cutting-edge media technology.
Thank You, Donors!

"My second semester of my freshman year, I was working three separate jobs trying to juggle everything financially...so these scholarships have really just given me a chance to kind of focus more on my education and my journalism skills."
Lifetime Donors
We gratefully recognize the individuals and corporations/foundations who have generously donated $250,000 and above to the University of Kansas William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications.
Corporate/Foundation Donors
- Estate of Mary Jane Floersch
- The Freedom Forum
- William Randolph Hearst Foundation
- John S. & James L. Knight Foundation
- McCormick Foundation
- Louis L. & Adelaide C. Ward Foundation
Individual Donors
- Malcolm W. Applegate & Constance L. Applegate
- Mary D. Austin & Whitley Austin
- Dennis N. Branstiter
- Richard C. Clarkson
- Hubert M. Floersch, MD, & Carol Mayer Hassig Floersch
- Mary Haynes Floersch
- John P. Kaiser & Mary S. Kaiser
- Michael C. Kirk & Julia Turtle Kirk
- Elizabeth A. Leech & Steven C. Frazier
- Linda Ward O’Hara & John D. O'Hara
- Charles L. Parcell & Alice C. Parcell
- Diane Gray Quinn & Thomas H. Quinn
- Robert P. Sigman
- John H. Stauffer Sr. & Barbara E. Stauffer
- Oscar S. Stauffer & Cornelia Stauffer
- Ruth Granger Stauffer
- William Keith Swinehart Sr. & Maxine Swinehart
- Adelaide C.Ward & Louis L. Ward
- Arthur H. Wolf & Catherine M. Wolf
- Helena L. Wooldridge & Norris S. Wooldridge
This listing is for lifetime donations, not donations made just within the calendar year. This list of donor names is strictly for the purpose of acknowledgement by the School of Journalism and Mass Communications. Any other use is unauthorized. Although every effort has been made to ensure the completeness and accuracy of this listing, errors may occur.
Deans Club
Deans Club dollars fund special initiatives in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, including:
- Providing funds for student travel
- Hosting special events for students and faculty
- Funding for student and faculty achievement awards
- Recruiting and retaining faculty
- Providing scholarship support for students
- Hosting visiting professionals who speak with students and faculty
- Giving students and faculty the opportunity to take part in special educational programs
Donors reach a Deans Club designation with unrestricted gifts totaling at least $1,000 during a fiscal year. These generous donations were made in the 2021 fiscal year.
- Jennifer Ailor
- Leonard P. Alfano & Deborah Taylor Alfano
- Constance L. Applegate
- Gail Davenport Austin & Danforth W. Austin
- Robert R. Basow & Lynn A. Basow
- John P. Benner & Rachel Benner
- Conrad N. Bibens
- Elaine F. Blaylock
- Ryan D. Blethen
- Kelly Cannon Boeckman & Matthew P. Boeckman
- Herman R. Bonett, Ph.D.
- Dorothy A. Bowles
- Brian A. Bracco & Sarah Wallace Bracco
- Thomas Breckenridge
- Ann M. Brill, Ph.D.
- Dinah Swinehart Brock
- Gretchen Budig & Dr. Gene A. Budig
- Marc A. Buehler
- Kenneth Burrows & Kristin Burrows
- Carl V. Ceder
- Kathleen M. Conkey
- Thomas P. Cook
- Kyle T. Craig & Elyse Winick Craig
- Justin D. Dechant
- Paul I. Dinovitz & Cathy Dinovitz
- Thomas J. Erickson & Bethany Erickson
- Pamela B. Fine & Judith G. Levy
- John A. Frazee
- Jane Peterson Ganz
- Sally Gaskill
- Mugur V. Geana & Anca Geana
- Malcolm D. Gibson & Joyce L. Gibson
- Robert H. Giles & Nancy M. Giles
- Klay E. Gross
- Maureen Manning Guth & David W. Guth
- James A. Hadel & Linda J. Hadel
- William R. Hagman Jr. & Dorothy F. Hagman
- John P. Hall & Dorothy Boller Hall
- Michael J. Happe & Shannon M. Fitzsimmons-Happe
- Jim R. Hoppa & Nancy A. Hoppa
- Charlotte Kirk Howard & W. Jeffrey Howard
- Douglas A. Hundley & Molly Ege Hundley
- Britton Hunter
- Shanda J. Hurla & Joseph L. Hurla
- Scott C. Jackson
- Mark P. Johnson
- Jennifer McLeod Kassebaum & William A. Kassebaum
- Blaine L. King & Lyndel S. King
- Michael C. Kirk & Julia Turtle Kirk
- Kendra C. Knotts
- Madelyn Brite Larkin
- Elizabeth A. Leech & Steven C. Frazier
- Norman G. Magnuson Jr. & Daphne Polatty Magnuson
- Stephen L. Martino & Beth Martino
- Mark A. Mears
- David A. Mikols & Julie Updegraff Mikols
- Jeff D. Minelli
- Susan Brinkman Moeser & Chris Moeser
- Carole Jackson Moreno
- Eric M. Morgenstern & Shanny R. Morgenstern
- David A. Peacock & Jane D. Peacock
- Sandra Dechant Pennington & Dane Pennington
- Marilyn Zook Petterson & Michael T. Petterson
- Mary Ann Powell & Nick Powell
- Diane Gray Quinn
- Frank J. Rebori
- Sally L. Reece
- Hal Ritter
- Janet S. Rose, Ph.D.
- Barbara Rosewicz & Gerald F. Seib
- Fred J. Salinas
- Ronald K. Saunders & Kathleen A. Saunders
- Susanne M. Shaw
- M. Marlys Shulda & Brian K. Shulda
- Frank Slover & Deborah W. Slover
- Gary M. Smith
- Steven A. Snyder
- Rev. Julie Johnson Staples & Brent Staples
- John H. Stauffer Sr. & Barbara E. Stauffer
- Craig A. Stock & Rosalie Phipps
- Mary Jewell Sullivan
- Lisa M. Tilson
- Lynn Beall Trelstad
- John K. White
- Lanette M. Wickham
- Rick J. Worner & Lorie Walker Worner
These contributions are crucial to the success of the J-School and provide unrestricted support for the J-School’s initiatives. Matching gifts from corporations are included as part of Deans Club contributions.
“Without the support of our Deans Club members, we wouldn’t be able to provide the exceptional level of service that students and alumni deserve,” Dean Ann Brill said.

“I couldn’t tell [scholarship donors] thank you enough. I’m really appreciative of the opportunities I have. I wouldn’t be here without that.”